Har du høge ambisjonar og ønskjer ei internasjonal utdanning over 2 år? International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme er eit krevjande studium for målretta elevar. Undervisningsspråket er engelsk, og det blir stilt høge krav til sjølvstendig arbeid og refleksjon. Til gjengjeld er elevar med IB-diplomet ettertrakta studentar som er ekstra godt førebudd til studiar på norske og internasjonale universitet.
Background Information
For over 30 years Bergen Katedralskole has been successfully offered the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme. First accrediated in 1988 Katten was amongst the first schools to introduce the diploma programme in Norway. The programme is designed to equip students with the academic skills needed for university study, further education and their chosen profession. In addition it aims to develop the values, and lifeskills, needed to live a fulfilled and purposeful life in an ever-changing world.
Since it`s introduction we have welcomed local, and International, students through our doors, with student numbers doubling in the last few years.
The IB Diploma Programme is a challenging, broad and balanced two-year programme of international education for students aged 16 to 19, comparable to vg2 and vg3 in the Norwegian school system.

Subject Information
The programme is made up of six subjects, taken over both years of the programme, and the core. Students select one subject from each subject group, although they may chose a second subject from group 3 or 4 rather than a subject from group six.
The six subject groups are:
- Studies in Language and Literature
- Language Acquisition
- Individuals and Societies
- The Sciences
- Mathematics
- The Art

Student Life
At Bergen Katedralskole IB Diploma Programme students are part of an diverse cultural environment. We have students from around the world, as well as from the whole of the West coast of Norway. Our International community is expanding as families arrive to take up positions in Industry and Academia in Bergen. Our local students are often very engaged in issues connected to sustainability, economics and equality.

Admission and applications
The IB Diploma Programme is a two-year-course and is offered in the last two years of the Norwegian Upper Secondary programme (Vg2 and Vg3). Students can apply to the Diploma Programme at the end of Vg1 or directly from MYP5 if they are coming from an International educational programme. Students should be resident in Vestland and can apply through Vigo. Families who are in the process of moving to Bergen, and the surrounding areas, can apply through the website.